Conquer your fears everyday 

“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.” —Napoleon Hill

Today I happened to witness a small event. it was around 8:30 AM I was returning back from my walk. I saw a dog barking pretty loud and running towards another dog which probably was not from our street . I am bit familiar with most of the dogs from our street, so I didn’t mind the chase. I saw a small girl and probably her younger brother walking by the street.  As soon as they heard these dogs bark so loudly, I saw so much fear in their eyes. They went to an extreme end of the foot path to avoid the dog. At the same moment I also observed the dog which was pretty busy chasing the other dog at the end of the street.

A thought crossed my mind – In several occasions when there is an event happening we induce certain emotions within ourselves for no reason. In the event that I witnessed there were two parallel events that were happening – where the siblings were afraid that the dog might harm them & the dog was just very busy chasing another dog. 

Had the siblings taken note of the situation they would have understood that the dog was too busy in it’s own world 

Do we do this very often? Do we induce certain emotions like fear, anxiety, stress, tension etc. for a situation that is happening near to us but may be unrelated. So the next time you feel the fear or anxiety, just take that one moment to observe the situation that you think is causing your fear. Is it really warranted at you? Or is it just happening on a parallel path?


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