Research states Stress is the result of the relationship between an individual’s coping mechanisms (internal factors) and the demands or pressures placed on them (external factors). 

You will observe that there is an influence of internal and external factors.

The very humble question that you should ask is “Am I stressed?” Many individuals do not even realize they are stressed until they start seeing the damage the stress has caused. Let us delve into a few basic questions that can tell you if you are stressed.

  • Was I upset in the last few days about things that happened unexpectedly?
  • Did I feel I am unable to control important things in life?
  • Felt nervous
  • Felt anxious because you could not cope with things you were to do
  • Feeling angry or frustrated on things that didn’t go your way

Observe deeply and you will find that stress has an outcome which affects your mental health, phycological, behavioral & then your body starts showing signs.  

Few behavioral outcomes could include and not limited to

  • Anger
  • Defocused
  • Boredom
  • Nervousness
  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Change in hunger pattern (Increased or decreased)
  • Brain Fog
  • Delay in decision making

If any of the above is impacting you, take action.

  • Relax, Meditate, Do some physical Exercises
  • Take Medical Help
  • Talk to someone you know
  • Get a Coach / Mentor

In our next article we will focus on “Causes for Stress & How to Handle”….


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